Creating Opportunity Where The Need is Great

Solving problems through innovation


Around the world, leaders working alongside the oppressed are facing challenges like never before.

When tragedies strike - oppressed and unseen people are often pushed deeper into obscurity - further from support in the moments when help is needed most... But that’s not the whole story!

Often in the most difficult moments, leaders find inspiration and create new, creative ways to solve problems.

Being deeply involved - working alongside local leaders and understanding the environment surrounding these problems is the reason these leaders can move forward so quickly - and it’s that innovative spirit that defines so much of the work your support empowers around the world today.

All of this is happening today - in spite of so much uncertainty - in spite of obstacles and problems only the most desperate could imagine - it’s happening today because of you.


Bayugan dos, philippines

For children on the southernmost island of the Philippines - breaking the grip of poverty is possible with a basic education, which could someday lead to jobs and a better future - and that’s why One Collective is there.

But the isolation that closed the schools has taken away this hope. Unlike other places, these children have no other options to study and grow. Adapting quickly, and with your help, a small lending library was created, ensuring basic literacy and learning continues.

Now more than one hundred children and their families are reading and studying - eager to find a new future...


The far middle east

In the Middle East - in this city of high unemployment and joblessness, where very few know Jesus, the pandemic hit hard. Major businesses closed and community members were left suddenly without income or a way to support their families. Overnight, the need for new businesses exploded.

Our team launched an online entrepreneurial training program for local leaders. And on the first video call, over 30 leaders met to learn valuable business skills with Biblical principles. In the weeks since, several have already started to make enough income to provide for their families and neighbors.


elgin, illinois

And in Elgin, Illinois - the lockdown closed stores and businesses across the city, families were overwhelmed, and we saw an immediate rise in domestic abuse and mental health crises. Nonprofits across the city were ready to help, but didn’t know how to start.

The team in Elgin worked quickly - pulling together city government, business leaders, local non-profits, and medical support. Together a task force created a citywide bi-lingual campaign that brought awareness of the many resources to everyone in the community. Thousands of people are now getting the help they need from organizations across the city.


The Gift of Generosity


Creating Opportunity When the Need is Great